




依據宗澤亞所著《清日戰爭》,旅順大屠殺起因有二:「其一,自日清戰爭開戰以來,日本國內報導日清戰事一直是連戰連勝、各戰大捷、清軍不堪一擊,誇耀日軍所向披靡的戰果。可是11月18日旅順口週邊土城子戰鬥,日軍遭遇到了預想不到的挫折,重創了第一師團長山地將軍的自尊心,山地將軍因此惱羞成怒。」;「其二,19日雙台溝附近,山地師團長接到報告:『我騎兵偵察兵約20名在土城子被清兵俘虜,偵查隊長中萬德次中尉和隨同士兵,首級被清軍砍下並斷肢割除睾丸。』還親眼看到衛生兵擔架上,被虐殺後肢體殘缺不全的士兵屍體。清軍的野蠻之舉再次激起山地復仇的怒火,在日軍攻入旅順口時,下達了『除婦女老幼之外,一律格殺勿論』的命令。在強烈復仇心的驅使下,日軍開始瘋狂的報復行動。在街市內搜索發現,逃亡的清兵換裝改扮成當地住民混雜在百姓中間難以辨認,躲藏在民家的清兵繼續開槍負隅頑抗。司令部接到報告後隨即下達第二道命令:『凡穿着平民服裝,疑為清兵的青壯年者一律誅殺。』之後旅順的大街小巷到處是殺人的現場,不論清兵與否皆視為清兵,百姓中老幼婦女也成為虐殺的對象。」[4] 英國船員詹姆斯·艾倫自稱隨美國貨輪哥倫比亞號(Columbia)赴華為正在同日本作戰的清軍運送軍火。在旅順大屠殺期間,他被困於旅順口。他的著作《在龍旗下——中日戰爭目擊記》描述了戰前他沿途看到日軍士兵被虐殺後肢體殘缺不全的屍體。[5]但是該書的真實性遭《字林西報》、Japan Weekly Mail、《士蔑報》質疑,認為他並非目擊者,書中的人名、船名都對不上號。[6][7][8]戚其章認為該書雖有錯誤,有關旅順大屠殺的內容與其他史料吻合。[9] 清兵死者葬於白玉山東麓的安葬崗,今稱「萬忠墓」。





英國人詹姆斯·艾倫(James Allan)在他的著作《在龍旗下——中日戰爭目擊記》中寫道:「在我周圍都是狂奔的難民。我第一次親眼看見日本兵追逐逃難的百姓,用槍桿和刺刀對付所有的人,對跌倒的人更是兇狠地亂刺。」[14]日軍擊斃所有遇見的人,在街道上行走,腳下到處踩着死屍。天已經黑了,「屠殺還在繼續進行着,絲亳沒有停息的跡象。槍聲、呼喊聲、尖厲的叫聲和呻吟的聲音,到處迴蕩。街道上呈現出一幅可怕的景象:地上浸透了血水,遍地躺臥着肢體殘缺的屍體,有些小胡同簡直被死屍堵住了,死者大都是城裏人。」[15]艾倫又寫道:「我站在一處高地,離我不遠處有一個池塘,池塘邊站着好多日本兵,拼命將一群難民往池塘趕,不一會池塘裏便塞滿了人。只見難民在水裏亂成一片,池塘邊的日本兵,有的拿槍射擊,有的用槍上的刺刀刺。池塘裏斷頭的,斬腰的,穿胸的,破腹的,攪成一團,水變成通紅一片。日本兵在一旁歡笑狂喊,快活得不得了。池塘裏少數活人,在死屍上爬來爬去,滿身血污。其中一個女人,抱着一個小孩子,浮出水面,朝日本兵發出淒婉的哀求。岸邊的日本兵竟拿刺刀來捅,當胸捅了個對穿。第二下又捅那個孩子,只見刺刀一捅,小孩子被捅到刺刀上,他高高的挑起槍來,搖了幾搖,當作玩耍的東西。那女人伏在地下,尚未捅死,用奄奄一息的力氣,想要起來看看那個孩子,剛掙扎了一下,又趴下了。日本兵就照屠殺別人的方法,也將這個女人斬成幾段。」[16]












  1. 英冒险家记录甲午旅顺大屠杀:女人被斩成几段. 環球網. 2014年4月1日. 
  2. 袁村平. 觉醒的国殇:甲午战争120年祭. 2014-07-01: 第90頁. ISBN 978-7-210-06382-7. 
  3. Sir Thomas Erskine Holland. Studies in International Law. Clarendon Press. 1898年: 第116, 118頁. 
  4. 《清日战争》在线阅读(19). 讀書頻道_齊魯網. 
  5. 在龍旗下,第66-67頁: "The Chinese took some prisoners, whom they slew mercilessly, and one of the first things I saw on the morning of the 19th was a pair of corpses suspended by the feet from the branches of a huge camphor tree near the parade-ground. They were hideously mutilated. They had been disembowelled; the eyes were gouged out, the throat cut, and the right hand severed. They were perfectly naked, and groups of children were pelting them with mud and stones....The bodies of the Japanese soldiers killed in encounters with the enemy as they closed on the place, were often found minus the head or right hand, sometimes both, besides being ferociously gashed and slashed. Corpses were still hanging on the trees when the fortress fell, and it is not surprising that their former comrades should have been maddened by the sight, though of course the officers are greatly to blame for permitting the fearful retaliation which ensued to be carried to such lengths."
  6. Under the Dragon Flag. North China Herald. 1898-05-16. Under the Dragon Flag is very nicely printed, and bound in green cloth with the dragon flag on the cover ; but there are so many inaccuracies and impossibilities in the account, that the author is certainly not relating what he actually saw. His dates do not tally with the facts, which he may perhaps say is so much the worse for the facts ; and when he tells us, as he does on page 30, that from an elevated point on the rocky coast of "the Liaotung" he had, with the aid of powerful glasses, a good view of the battle of the Yalu, he presumes too much on our credulity... 
  7. Under the Dragon Flag. Japan Weekly Mail. 1898-03-05: 第228, 233頁. 
  8. Under the Dragon Flag. Japan Weekly Mail. 1898-03-19: 第284, 293頁. 轉載《士蔑報》
  9. 戚其章. 旅顺大屠殺真相再考. 《東嶽論叢》. No. 第1期. 2001年. 
  10. Villiers, Frederic. The Truth About Port Arthur. The North American Review. Vol. 160 no. 460 (University of Northern Iowa). 1895年3月: 第330頁. JSTOR 25103490 (英語). 
  11. 陳悅,西方人眼中的甲午戰爭,2014-04-20
  12. 錢鋼. 《大清海军与李鸿章》. 香港: 中華書局. 2004: 第188–190頁. ISBN 978-962-8820-43-6. 
  13. 董志正. 《旅大史話》. 遼寧人民出版社. 1984: 第109頁. 
  14. 在龍旗下,第77頁: "There was a rush and hurry of fugitives all around me, and now for the first time I saw the Japanese soldiers in pursuit, pressing on the fleeing throng, and using rifle and bayonet furiously on all and sundry, stabbing and hacking fiendishly at those who fell."
  15. 在龍旗下,第83-84頁: "The butchery was proceeding without the least sign of abatement; shots, shouts, shrieks, and groans resounded on every side; the streets presented a fearful spectacle; the ground was saturated with blood, and everywhere strewn with horribly mutilated corpses; some of the narrower avenues were positively choked with carnage. The dead were mostly the townspeople;"
  16. 在龍旗下,第79-80頁: "I have said that the land by which I had come out on the lake inclined steeply upwards, and the water was about fifteen feet below me when I arrived in sight of it. It was surrounded by crowds of Japanese soldiers, who had driven large numbers of the fugitives into the water, and were firing on them from every side, and driving back with the bayonet those who attempted to struggle out. The dead floated on the water, which was reddened with blood. The soldiers, yelling and laughing with vengeful glee, seemed to gloat over the agonies of their victims. It was fearful to see those gory forms struggling in the agitated water, those who still lived endeavouring to extricate themselves from the mass of corpses, falling fast, but often rising again with their last energies, streaming with water and blood, and uttering piteous cries and appeals for mercy, which were mocked by the fiends around them. Many women were amongst them; one I noticed carrying a little child, which, struggling forward, she held up to the soldiers as if in appeal. As she reached the bank, one of the wretches struck her through with his bayonet, and with a second stroke as she fell transfixed the child, which might have been two years old, and held its little body aloft. The woman rose and made a wild effort to regain the child, but evidently exhausted and dying, fell back again into the water. Her body—and in fact it was done with every body that came within reach—was hacked in pieces."
  17. 17.0 17.1 EXTRA. 2 O'CLOCK. - PORT ARTHUR MASSACRE. Two Thousand Men, Women and Children Butchered in the Streets. CARNIVAL OF SLAUGHTER. Japanese Soldiers Laughed at the Misery of Helpless Children and Women. GEN. OYAMA'S INDIFFERENCE. The Town Sacked from End to End and the Storekeepers Shot and Sabred.. New York World. 1894-12-20: 第1,3頁. 
  18. 《日本外交文書》第27卷,第941號
  19. 《日本外交文書》第27卷,第943、945號
  20. 20.0 20.1 Stewart Lone. Japan's First Modern War: Army and Society in the Conflict with China, 1894-5. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 1994-08-30: 第155–156頁. ISBN 978-0-230-38975-5. 
  21. 在龍旗下,第41頁
  22. Henry Davenport Northrop. The Flowery Kingdom and the Land of the Mikado Or China, Japan and Corea: Containing Their Complete History Down to the Present Time; Manners, Customs and Peculiarities of the People; Superstitions; Idol Worship; Industries; Natural Scenery, Etc., Etc., Together with a Graphic Account of the War Between China and Japan, Its Causes, Land and Naval Battles, Etc., Etc. Elliott Publishing Company. 1894年: 第582頁. 
  23. W. Joseph Campbell. Getting It Wrong: Debunking the Greatest Myths in American Journalism. University of California Press. 2016-10-18: 第22–23頁. ISBN 978-0-520-29129-4. 
  24. The Port Arthur Outrages. New-York Tribune (New York). 1894-12-20: 第6頁 –透過Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Library of Congress. 
  25. Daniel Kane. Each of Us in His Own Way: Factors Behind Conflicting Accounts of the Massacre at Port Arthur: 第23頁. 10 Jun 2019. doi:10.1080/00947679.2005.12062669. 
  26. Bruce A. Elleman. Modern Chinese Warfare, 1795-1989. Taylor & Francis. 2001-02-22: 第108頁. ISBN 978-0-203-97691-3. 


  • James Allan. Under the Dragon Flag: My Experiences in the Chino-Japanese War. London: W. Heinemann. 1898年 (英語).  該書中譯本為詹姆斯·艾倫. 《在龙旗下——中日战争目击記》. 由費青/費孝通翻譯. 上海人民出版社. 2014年. ISBN 978-7-208-12493-6.